The True Story of Trump's attack

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The True Story of Trump's attack


• Donald Trump: Former U.S. president and presidential candidate

• Marco Rubio: Senator from Florida, known for his experience in foreign policy and his ability to attract the Latino vote.

• J.D. Vance: Senator from Ohio, who has been a strong ally of Trump and has a significant support base.

• Doug Burgum: Governor of North Dakota, with a conservative record and experience in the tech sector.

• Tim Scott: Senator from South Carolina, recognized for his ability to connect with voters from diverse communities.

January 2024. Trump tower, New York

Donald Trump: Things are very bad. Justice is after me and I am not sure how to get out of this ordeal and win the next elections. I've summoned you here because I want a great idea to succeed and make America great again. You are my best generals. I want a plan now. Whoever makes me win the presidency again I will make him vice president. I hear you.

Marco Rubio: Illegal emigration. That is the key. To make the population grow afraid of hundreds of thousands of Latino criminals who want to take our jobs and sell drugs. It's the only thing that can work.

Donald Trump: No, no. I have been saying that since I was president. Do you remember the wall? I like the idea of having people afraid, but that's not going to make me win. I want another idea.

Tim Scott: Excuse me President, I'm with Marco. The black population can vote Republican if they are afraid of all those Latino immigrants. I can steal a couple million votes from Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump: Both of us are fired. Don't come to me with more stories of emigration. I want something new, different. Following.

Doug Burgum: I have a great idea. My conversations with Elon Musk are well advanced. He's going to promote us in silicon valley. All these millionaire computer scientists are going to change course and vote Republican. The secret is to promote AI without censorship. Elon is going to...

Donald Trump: Elon, Elon. That is not going to win me the elections either. He owes me one since I helped him buy Twitter. I'm not so interested in it anymore, now I have my own network. Old Musk. He's a businessman like me. We are condemned to understand each other. In our last conversation, I proposed the idea of offering free satellite internet to all Americans. But even that wouldn't make me win now. I need another idea

J.D. Vance: A Miracle

Doug Burgum: Excuse me? You laugh at us

Tim Scott: Are you a defeatist or what? You give up everything

Donald Trump: Let's see, do you want to explain? You already surprised me when you changed sides. I don't forget that you called me the American Hitler just a couple of years ago. But now you're on my side. What's your idea?

J.D. Vance: A miracle and a hero chosen by God.

Donald Trump: Sounds good. Keep talking.

J.D. Vance: A madman is going to want to murder him. It's not going to be a racial story. Neither Latino nor black. An unbalanced, young, very young American. He will shoot him at one of the rallies and he will come out alive, but stained with blood.

Donald Trump: I'm already seeing it. I get up and with my fist raised I will say I will win. America will win.

J.D. Vance: If that's right, the killer will have blank bullets. No risks. Another carefully chosen shooter will take the shots.

Donald Trump: I like it, I like it a lot. A hero of the people. Saved by the divine hand. Prepare everything. We will talk in a couple of months. If this works, you will be the future vice president of the United States.

September 1, 2024, Trump Tower, New York.
Donald Trump: People have forgotten about my attack already. You had promised me that you would guarantee me the elections
J.D. Vance: Americans are like fish. Have a very short-term memory
Donald Trump: You have to fix it, but now. You will only be vice president of the United States if I win the next election.
J.D. Vance: We can prepare another attack, but we should not abuse it. By mid-September.

Donal Trump: Okay, but I'll set the conditions.
1. I don't want to be touched or take any risks. My ear still hurts
2. It has to be on my own turf. On the golf course at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. This will touch all my golfing friends deeply.
3. I want the opposite of last time. An old man. He is clearly a democrat and has publicly supported Ukraine. This is very important.

J.D. Vance: Perfect, I set everything up.

Donald Trump: The last thing, I want the weapon to be Russian—an AK47. I don't like American guns in this matter. I have big plans for our arms industry.

J.D. Vance: Everything will be done according to your will. A small reminder for America that will win the elections. A war hero can't lose.