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Spain was born in Ukraine

Seven years ago, I met Vasil. A Ukrainian nationalist, a former MP, who has written his country's history in verse. A person of great culture and who in some ways could be defined as a true Pan-Ukrainian. It is an emphatic introduction;  It must be said that Vasil does not speak English and only speaks Ukrainian, but thanks to a translator friend, Julia, I was able to follow the conversation.

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chatbox para Whatsapp

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new creative links

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My writings, mis escritos

mis libros
2021: De lo Chafo a lo Hadea: very Good year
“I am working in the digital world, no more in the real world” Z
“When someone become indispensable  , it is the moment to fire him” Z
Enero Ultima broma de Accenture, borran todos los usuarios
Febrero Problemas con send grid y Javier es el responsable
Marzo el mes de la guerra. Ataques de pinpon y Goliat contra Javier.

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my apps

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higado graso

Hígado graso: ¿Qué es y cómo eliminar la grasa?
Infusiones naturales para el hígado graso
6 tratamientos medicinales para curar el hígado graso naturalmente

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abdo scan

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