Submitted by root on Thu, 03/17/2022 - 14:21
Dicen que la historia se repite. En parte es cierto. Pero más que un ciclo de eterno retorno, es una espiral. Y ciertamente ciertas épocas se repiten con acontecimientos parecidos. Estos son una especie de deja vue. Algo tremendamente familiar, pues ya lo hemos vivido.
Pero no es un eterno retorno. Las cosas se parecen, pero invertidas. Una especie de humor negro de quien teje el destino.
Algunas fechas
1919 la gripe española y 2020 corona virus. 1922 la unión soviética de Lenin invade ucrania, 2022 La Rusia de Putin invade Ucrania.
Submitted by root on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 16:48
What I am about to tell you is not new. The Greek Gnostic converts to Christianity in the 1st and 2nd century AD tried to answer a straightforward question.
How could God create an imperfect world if God is good and perfect?
The solution was an exercise in logic. God, One and perfect, created a demiurge (or several). Demiurges are a product of God, brilliant beings with great technology that created humankind. Their name is Annunaki's
Submitted by root on Sun, 03/13/2022 - 21:40
Submitted by root on Tue, 03/08/2022 - 15:26
We have arrived at the port of Kirra, in the Gulf of Corinth. It has been a long voyage from Phocis, my homeland in Asia Minor. A storm almost sank our ships. But we Phocians are the best sailors in all of Greece. We discovered the Adriatic, the Tyrrhenian, Iberia and Tartessos.
I come with a critical mission. To ask the Pythia of Delphi for good omens for our new colony in Iberia.
Submitted by root on Tue, 03/08/2022 - 14:25
Ya llegamos puerto de Kirra, en el golfo de Corinto. Ha sido un largo viaje desde Focea, mi tierra en Asia menor. Una tormenta casi hunde nuestros barcos. Pero los focenses somos los mejores navegantes de toda la Grecia. Descubrimos Adriático, el Tirreno, Iberia y Tartessos.
Vengo con una misión muy importante. Pedir a la pitonisa de Delfos buenos augurios para nuestra nueva colonia en Iberia.
Submitted by root on Wed, 03/02/2022 - 14:57
Submitted by root on Mon, 02/28/2022 - 16:33
Seven years ago, I met Vasil. A Ukrainian nationalist, a former MP, who has written his country's history in verse. A person of great culture and who in some ways could be defined as a true Pan-Ukrainian. It is an emphatic introduction; It must be said that Vasil does not speak English and only speaks Ukrainian, but thanks to a translator friend, Julia, I was able to follow the conversation.
Submitted by root on Sat, 01/15/2022 - 19:29
Submitted by root on Sat, 01/08/2022 - 19:14
Submitted by root on Fri, 12/24/2021 - 13:29
2021: De lo Chafo a lo Hadea: very Good year
“I am working in the digital world, no more in the real world” Z
“When someone become indispensable , it is the moment to fire him” Z
Enero Ultima broma de Accenture, borran todos los usuarios
Febrero Problemas con send grid y Javier es el responsable
Marzo el mes de la guerra. Ataques de pinpon y Goliat contra Javier.